Prophecy from David Campbell

David Campbell 10/29/17

When I was praying about coming here, I got two words. Actually if you were at the conference, I had three words. The first was yabba dabba do, but I’m not going to speak about that. There’s another word that came to me when I was praying.  I just felt two words and it was for Grace Center here. And the words were multiple services.

Now you’re going to think that’s pretty obvious because there’s multiple services, but often God sort of does things and gives you things that twist around to mean something else. And obviously I know we’re in multiple services because I know I’m going to repeat this sermon in a minute with the same spontaneous asides and everything. Everything’s exactly the same, you wait and see. So it does mean that but those multiple services are the multiple entry points into the church. And that’s the way you come in. 

But I felt God was saying this is a season where as a church you’re going to have multiple services, ways out of the church. That are going to go out. You’re going to service the community. You’re going to service the people who are outside and you’re going to service the body of Christ. This is the season of multiple servicing, multiple reaching out. And there’s lots we’ll unpack, Jeff, a little bit, but I believe you are going to see ministries relocate just to come here, just to come to this church. People will just say, they won’t be here much but they’ll be part of here because multiple services is part of your destiny and the purpose. Cause that’s the season you’re coming to. 

You’re what we call an Antioch church. That’s why I’m talking about Antioch. An Antioch church has very little to do with geography. It’s to do with the people. People make an Antioch church, not geography. It’s called the Antioch church because it’s Antioch, but when we talk about an Antioch church, we’re not saying if you have the same geography, we’re saying if you have the same people. People are what make a church. I’m going to talk to you a little bit about that and give you some marks of an Antioch church. And this is a good thing so don’t be afraid…. 

Let me tell you, Grace Center, you’re something else. We don’t fit in the box because our Father made the box and took us out. Why don’t you say to the person next to you – You’re something else. You’re something else…

I just want to say to you – One of the things you know when you’re an Antioch church is the quality of the people you send out. If you’re a good house, you will grow good ministries. And they’ll grow strong but they can’t stay here. Some of them are going to be part of your multiple services. You’ll send them out right across the body of Christ. You’ll send them out because we give away our best. And I believe you are called to be an Antioch church. A church which has an influence greater than its geographical location.

But Antioch churches are made up of Antioch people. And just by saying we’re an Antioch church doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. You can change what’s on the door of your office but if you don’t change the person in the office, nothing changes. And God says I want you to be growed up because your personal destiny is linked to the destiny of this church….

I’d like to pray over you right now…that you might become Antioch citizens. You might become people who change this area. Folks are going to move in here just to be with you. And you’ll think “What are you doing here?” They won’t be sure why they’re here, but you can almost smile in nice “I know” sort of way of thinking. “I know.” Because this city is being made big enough for people to come and shelter here. You’re not sure why you’re here, but this is a safe place for you. You’re gonna have your headquarters here, but may never see you. But you’re allowed to be here. 

Because Antioch…the vision of this church is full of big people with a vision bigger than just ourselves. We have a vision big enough for our city, big enough for our state, and big enough for the whole nation and into the nations. That’s the big people that God’s calling us to be.  

Let’s stand up. We’ll pray.

So Father I thank you for the privilege of being back at Grace Center with these Antioch people. And I thank you Lord that You are building bigger people.  You’re building big people in order to build a big church. And I pray for every person here to be released into the fullness of destiny…to become all that You’ve created us to be and You’ve recreated us to become. That we might become those possessing people who are filled with the Holy Spirit.

And I pray over this church that You would release multiple services. Not just people coming in at different times, but people going out at all times. And many ministries will be birthed from here. And others will find their home here. But this will be a church that has a people of a vision bigger than themselves. That we might be kingdom minded, that we might see the kingdom of God come, I pray in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.