Prophecy from David Wagner

David Wagner 10/27/18 Evening Session

Tonight, during worship and in this moment, I feel like the Lord is receiving us, receiving our sacrifices of praise, our offerings, He’s receiving our worship tonight as incense. And I believe there is incense that’s about to rise out of Grace Center. Incense that’s about to rise out of this region, out of this nation like never before. I believe that tonight the aroma of heaven is about to fill this place…. 

I believe the Lord is about to heighten our senses…. I feel like the Lord is awaking our senses, He’s raising our expectancy, but He’s also raising our awareness to His presence, to the very essence of God. Some of you, it’s time to taste and see that the Lord is good. Some of you right you now need to breathe Him in, the sweetness of God. Some of you, God is opening your ears to hear His voice, even in the whisper. Some of you, God is opening your eyes to begin to see what you’ve never seen before. Some of you, God is heightening your sense of touch – to feel God. You’re beginning to feel God. Come on, I believe there is something happening in the room….

God is calling for His prophets to come out of the cave. He is calling prophetic people out of the caves…. 

Right now, I declare, prophesy to you. God is healing cells within cells. Like the Lord just showed me a microscope in heaven and I was looking through it and I saw cells within cells being healed. Cells of somebody's body, I feel like there’s somebody your cells are under attack. I don’t know if its blood cells, every cancerous thing it has to go tonight. In Jesus’ name.