Prophecy from Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes 3/22/2017

June 2 of this past year, at 4:31 am in the morning, I woke up and the Lord began to speak to me about Psalm 18 and Psalm 34 and Psalm 60. And in that moment, at 4:31 am, I awakened enough to capture on this piece of paper something that I feel is going to probably ultimately end up impacting the rest of my life. And it was a word for this church.

At 4:31, the Lord said that you guys are about to experience, not embrace, experience a revelation of the tabernacle of David. It’s not just about “Oh yeah, that’s cool”. No I’m talking about the beginning of an experience that’s going to move you from singing songs to releasing a corporate sound. And it’s not coming, hear the words… it’s not coming, it’s here. Because heaven and earth are aligning in worship for here and it’s a now. 

Here’s what He had me to write - Allow yourself to be bold in your worship and we must stop worshiping the way we want to.  Because old church structures are now being replaced by Heaven’s new structure. And the most vibrant churches in the city always loses its vibrancy when it grows to the point deemed worthy to sustain and manage. Then it disappears from the battlefield of worship and no longer contends for a corporate sound of Heaven because now it’s disappeared from the battlefield of taking new ground.

And in this place there are words, notes, tones spoken and sung, and those words, notes and tones are going to go forth out of here as if a cymbal has been struck. And at the striking of the bell of the cymbal, all of heaven and all of earth is going to be alerted that there is a new sound, a new song and a new language coming out of this house. And there in the center of that cymbal, is what’s called the bell of the cymbal, and at the striking of that, God’s going to cause that sound to become a canopy that is released to the nations from here, from this room.

Because there’s a conflict in the spirit realm, for worship. Never again will it be time in this house to pull down strongholds, it’s always going to be a time to pull down heaven and watch what God does. Strongholds fall because Heaven is revealed. Worship is what releases the glory and reveals the sound and the glory from this place. Everything in the demonic realm is to be exposed and dethroned, but our focus will never be the demonic realm or that enthronement. This is a place where darkness, secrecy, hiddenness and lies have no part of the atmosphere that God wants to release from this place right here. 

And this is a turning point season. The Lord showed me that those who have been driven by, there’s a turning point crossroads thing happening here in the spirit realm. You’ve been given the invitation to access heaven realm. And with that invitation is those that have been driven by the dust will leave from here walking with the wind. And it’s a renaissance wind. Towns around the earth is going to hear the heavens open up because of the winds that are going to be carried from this place.