Prophecy from Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes 1/11/2017

The Cumberland Basin is not a hole that God dug out of the ground for dreams to die in, you know. The Cumberland Basin is a place that He has set aside for a place of bringing us into new heights because we come into new levels of grace and humility. And then we begin to purpose our lives designed around the creativity He created us for. So we’re going to get into a lot of that. And what it looks like for those DNAs to sort of redefine what music is supposed to be about in the earth because the music in the earth has a distinct responsibility as we do to touch heaven with the sound of who we are. And so if there is a corporate symphony of sound that’s supposed to be heard from this region, we already know when you look historically how it has impacted the nations of the world. 

A musical water source or a musical well that has been dug here in this basin was purposed by God to have influence, first impact and then influence throughout the world. And now why in the world would this sovereign God who knows all things and divinely orders the footsteps of all of those that are righteous and love Him…Why would our footsteps be directed to bring all of us at times like these in our lives to places like this in the earth with purposes of heaven, not only in the atmosphere, but already alive and awakened and quickened in our spirits born out of the desire God put in us? 

Now that’s real guys. It’s time for a new song. Time for a new sound. There’s a spirit realm reality that God wants to awaken us to and now we get the joy of walking on this journey right now. And I don’t want to make more out of it than what it is, but I’m not going to make less than what it is either. 

Fact is we are in a distinct and purposed time of God right now to reach out and embrace a new sound and we are the ones that God will use. Some in this room are going to be the ones that God will use to reach out and touch a note that has never been heard in the earth. That God’s been waiting for such a time as this to awaken a prophetic generation to carry impact and then long term multi-generational influence that will change the way the world understands the wonder of our God. And if we can just simply, if we can change the way the church understands worship and music, we will change the way the world encounters God. And God desires to be encountered and encounter. He’s looking for that interaction. 

And I believe we have stepped into a brand-new year, a brand new day, a brand new season and I’m going to be brave enough to call it, not just in the biblical sense, and I’m going to say and a brand new dispensation. I believe there is a prophetic weightiness and a governmental order that’s being aligned right now that we’re all clumsily, across the nations, we’re clumsily trying to find the vocabulary, the language, the liturgy and the lyrics to define what this thing looks like that’s right before us. But what an awesome and amazing time to be alive. 

And I believe that part of what’s going on right now is that God’s getting ready to turn this bowl into saturation level. He’s going to begin to immerse His people in such pure presence of who He is that there’s going to be a saturation of the region with the soundtrack to accompany it. And that’s when the lyric and language of heaven will come. It’s time for us to use our creativity also to baptize this valley with the riches of life giving water and let it flow out of this place as God intended it to for the nations….

And I believe there are people in here who are going to hear things of the Holy Spirit that’s not being taught and I’m not saying, but there’s an impartation and quickenings taking place in people’s lives that’s going to awaken who they were absolutely born to be and you’re about to go through a 90 day transformation process that at any moment, any second, in any service, in any gathering, the Holy Spirit can turn your life upside down and release a sound into your future that opens up the spirit realm and there’s going to be those that will flood in behind that….

Lord, may it be said, may it be said of here everywhere you move you can feel a great hush as though Jesus Himself walked over the mountains and into this town. Lord, out through the valleys among the sons and daughters of this land, whose eyes are now being fully opened to the new day, opened to see Him as He comes to us. Lord let that be said of us. Let this people that carry the DNAs and the blood of generations, the covenant promises down through the ages, that now find themselves living in Nashville, TN waiting, desiring and knowing You. May they be ones that begin to experience the revelation of who You are in such a way that the nations will turn their eyes to this room, in Jesus’ name. They’ll turn their eyes to this room and to those particular unique anointings on the lives that sit in this room. And may our children and our children’s children begin to encounter You now because those will be many of the ones who will win the nations to Jesus. The true prophets to the next generation, most of them, are not even saved yet. Most of the ministrels and the bards that will carry the glory in this city, many of them are not even saved yet. So Lord we stand in that place tonight and we welcome them. We welcome them into your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen.