Prophecy from Brian Simmons

Brian Simmons 8/30/15

I’ve come to announce to you that heaven is formally moving from a location to an experience.  And the Spirit without measure is about to hit Nashville. There is going to be throne room encounters. There’s going to be…did you know the throne of God is on wheels? There’s so many things about the Bible. Like #whydidn’ttheytellmethis. It says in Daniel 7 that the throne of God is on wheels. It’s mobile. It’s meant to move. We pull it in.  You want to go there so bad, let me tell you - God is going to set His glory here. He’s going to bring things in motion - the seraphim and cherubim and the 24 elders are already in motion to move. There’s something glorious coming and He’s chosen you. Ekklegomi. He’s chosen you in love. And you’re going to experience and encounter some things by the month of October that are going to be jaw-dropping. And astounding. And I hope you’ll take it serious….

Let me just say to you again my friend. Some life changing events are going to happen in Nashville between now and October. Come on!!...

So I’m trying to help you with this guys. This is real. This is signs and wonders what God’s about to do. Boring church is over. You will never have that here in this house. Not with these pastors. Not with this worship team. Not with these youth. Man!...

I just really want you to know, Nashville, that something powerful is coming to this city. Something really glorious. He’s going to transform this community. He’s going to transform it....

I’m actually seeing a 50 mile radius around you right now under the influence of the power of God. 50 mile radius. Where would that be? From here to like? Here to your house? Dude I see a 50 mile epicenter going out of here. 50 miles! Of a mushroom cloud of glory.... 

There’s going to be men and women that carry such a powerful glory that don’t worry - God will know their face and you will too. The Lord is going to anoint people like David, Joshua. He raises up Esthers and Mary of Bethany and He gives them a mantle and a grace and a glory. So it’s not going to be quite the way you think. There’s going to be breakers and awakeners and daybreakers going to come with the spirt of revival in their bones and they are going to turn the church right side up and it’s going to reverberate out into the community. Glory is coming to Nashville. Glory’s coming…

50 mile radius Jeff. It’s coming. A glory’s going to come. It may hit here right now. I’ve had divine interruptions the last few messages I’ve given. It’s like the Lord interrupts me. I said Do it God. Whatever You want to do here. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus.

I’m telling you something is going to break loose here between now and the end of October. It’s gonna be sooner. And it may look bad before it looks good. So just be strong. Sons of God, Daughters of Zion. Be strong for what’s coming and get ready. Because every place you put the soul of your foot upon, the Lord’s going to give it to you. You’re going to get this building built in the back, things are going to happen. This is the smallest this church will ever be, it’ll never be this small again, so enjoy it while you got it. Cause you’re going to have multiple shifts. The dream I had, I had a 10 day encounter where I saw this coming awakening and I saw shifts. They called them shifts, not even services. Shifts! What shift are you going to? I thought I’d hit the 2:00 shift, and they’d come into the meetings. There were no catchers but there were draggers…big hunkin’ guys, they would have to drag the bodies out so that the next shift could come in. And it didn’t matter who was speaking. Anybody with a mouth and a microphone and a heart for God would bring the Gospel. And they’d all come to know Jesus. And they’d all get blasted, and the Holy Spirit would fall…

Young people coming to a church near you. Your wildest dream and kind of a nightmare at the same time. Everything you want and everything you’ll run from. That’s what revival is….

Something supernatural is coming to Nashville. I can’t wait to hear it. You’ve tried everything else. Really. You’ve had calls, you’ve had prayers and fastings and keep doing it. You’ve had everything. I mean, you’ve washed feet until you’ve scrapped toenails clean. You’ve done everything. You’ve had reconciliation until your reconciliation gets reconciled. You’ve had prayer walks, you’ve worn out shoes prayer walking. If banners could bring it, you’ve done the banners as well. But there is coming the steel punch of God to Nashville. There is coming an atmospheric change over this city. Something so powerful, and it will be birthed with signs and wonders attached that will only bring glory. Not because it draws attention to a person. That will be the last thing a true servant of the Lord would ever want. But it will bring the glory of God into the gatherings. So everybody say, let Him kiss me. Take me to the apple tree. Take me where the glory never fades…. 

See the fire’s ready to break loose in this church….Let it be written in the history of the church of America that God used Nashville to spark an authentic worship revival, a love revival as the sounds of heaven come cascading in the room.