Prophecy from David Wagner

David Wagner 1/6/13

God is up to something amazing and He’s up to something amazing in you and in me. And I believe that the Lord is establishing something. One of the words the Lord gave me as we were going out of 2012, actually right around midnight crossing over from 2012 to 2013, was this word “Those that went limping out of 2012 are about to leap with joy as they’re launched into manifested miracles and destiny in 2013.

And I believe there are some of you in this room that God is about to heal your hope deferred. That there are some of you in this place that you know how to put the happy Grace Center Sunday morning face on even in the midst of adversity, even in the midst of everything that looks opposite of what God has promised. But I’m here to tell you that this is a season and a time and a year that God is rapidly turning things around. So actually the things that were opposing you and opposition to you and seemed like it was trying to hold you back is the very thing that God’s going to spin around the direction and take it to your back and thrust you forward. This is not a season to get distracted when God is breaking you through. Many times we get distracted in the circumstance, in the situation and the surroundings and we forget to realize that God’s on the throne...The Lord said “I’m not still on the throne, I’m on the throne. It’s never been in jeopardy, it’s never been in question, it’s never been in doubt. I’m on the throne. And it really doesn’t matter who’s in the White House or the State House or in the Capitol building, as long as Jesus is on the throne.

I’m just here to tell you right now that God is aligning things. There’s a divine alignment for the assignment that God has for you in 2013. This is a season as we launch into 2013 where the Lord really wants you to wrap some old things up. Some of you tried to carry some things from 2012 that really can’t function in 2013. And you’ve gotta wrap some things up in order to launch forward into the place the God has for you. I believe this is going to be a happy great new year. I believe there’s a new expectation God is changing and he is releasing an anticipation in the atmosphere of the earth and of the atmosphere of the church that is not your anticipation or expectation. It is the anticipation and the expectation of heaven itself.

God wants to release something fresh and new on you. And this is what I believe right now. That the Lord is about to break off the spirit of numb off the church. I don’t know about you but I have a tendency at times to just go numb. You kinda come out of the holiday season or you’ve been in so much warfare and so much opposition that you just kind of go into this mode where “I’m not going to feel anything, I’m just moving.” But the Lord is about to open up the receptors of feeling again. I woke up this morning and the Lord said ‘The walls of resistance are coming down’. And some of you have a wall of resistance to receive. It’s what Pastor Jeff just said. Because in order for you to receive, you have to trust. And in order for you to trust, you’ve got to hope. And God wants to heal hope in this room this morning.

I believe this morning, I’m talking to you but I’m prophesying to you at the same time. I believe that there is something about to shift and shake. The Bible says these words in Psalm 27, we know them well but what stuck out to me was in verse 13 of Psalm 27, ‘I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait I say on the Lord’. Now as I say to you wait I say on the Lord, I want you to know that your waiting is over. Because the moment you’ve been waiting for isn’t coming but it’s here. What it means to wait on the Lord is not to stand by and say ‘Lord where are you? When’s it coming?’. But it means to collect and possess all that God has promised you. It means that He’s about to serve you what He’s promised in the first place.

And some of you are about to see the goodness of God in this season like you’ve never seen before. I believe that when people look at you, they’re going to see the goodness of God. I believe that it is time to dream again. Psalm 126 says, ‘We were like those who dream’. And God wants to restore the dream on the inside of you in the beginning of this year. It is not a time to be dormant but it is a time to dance into your dream.

I believe another promise for this house is, and the Lord just spoke it to me during worship this morning, Psalm 65:11 ‘You crown my year with goodness and your past overflow with abundance from me’. Now how many people want your year crowned with goodness? How many want the paths that the Lord has you walking on to overflow with His abundance. I believe that this is a season where God is awakening the abundance of God inside of you. Something is shifting this morning. I want you to know that something is shifting around you, something is shifting for you and something is about to shift on the inside of you. Because God is shifting things into His order, His purpose and His plan like never before.

I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, “I have anointed you to be my dwelling place. I am coming to invade you. I am coming to possess you. I am coming to launch you into the place where deep cries out to deep. For before the foundations of the earth I saw this moment and I saw you in this moment.” And the Lord says “I have you right where I want you. I am bringing you out of frustration. I am bringing you out of agitation. I am bringing you into a place of fulfillment and completion like never before. For I am giving you the marching orders. Do not look back other than to remember how far I have brought you already. But you will look back even a year from now and say ‘How did we get here from there?’ This is the year of crossing over. From potential to promise.” And the Lord says “There have been many, even in this room, the enemy has been lying to you and saying ‘that will never happen. You will not see it in your lifetime.’” And the Lord is saying “I am turning your never into now. Where the enemy said never. Where man said never, I say now. For it is your time and it is your turn. For I have kept you hidden in a season but now I am unveiling the move of the Spirit in this house. For I have not just called you to be a house that’s hidden on Bethlehem Loop Road but I am about to give you visibility in the spirit and in the natural.” For the Lord says “Many may not know your name but they will know my name because of you.” And the Lord says “Because you are willing to go deep while others wanted to go higher, I was taking you deeper. And there were some that could not go to the depths that I’m taking you because they were not designed for it. And there were some that wanted to go this way and that way, and so I allowed them to depart. But do not mourn those that have departed. Celebrate those that are coming and those that have come. For I have set your paths straight and I’m launching you forward.”

“I have made you a training center for the nations. And I am getting ready to gather them from afar. For it will be said in this house to look among the nations and be utterly astounded that even if I were to speak it to you, you would not be able to comprehend it. I’m about to give this house a platform not only in Africa, not only in Europe, but I’m about to open up doors in Asia like never before.” For the Lord says that “I am making you a part of the greatest harvest the earth has ever seen. I tell you this, it is not millions but billions hang in the balance. And I have a grand expectation,” says the Lord “that you will see billions of people, even over 1 billion people come into the Kingdom between now and the end of 2014. For I am raising you up as harvest reapers. It is time to go and gather. Angels are out there ready and I am sending them. I am dispatching them to carry out the Word over this house. You need to move as if resources were not an issue because they are not an issue for me. Therefore they are not an issue for you.”

The Lord said “There are many things that have been placed on the prophetic shelf. Some things that were even placed in storage were words that were spoken even the conception of this church many years ago.” The Lord says that “I am taking them off the shelf. I am putting them into motion and I am increasing your momentum into the miraculous.”

“This is going to be a year of awakening like never before. I am awakening the region but I am awakening a generation. Revival is going to sweep through this house and region like never before. But it will look different than it looks in other places. For children shall rise up and lead you”, says the Lord. “For I am getting ready to breath upon this next generation. For even the young ones will come 3,4, and 5 years old with a word from the Lord that will set the stage for the supernatural to be released in the house, in the city, and in the streets.”

“I am coming,” says the Lords “with a Holy Spirit hijacking and take over. For I am taking over even the plans and strategies of man.” And the Lord says “I am annihilating the enemy in this season.” For the Lord says, “I have infiltrated the enemy’s camp and I am sending you in like insurgence. For the Lord says, “You will go in and will not only recover what was lost but you’re about to gain new territory. Unusual giants are about to fall in the land.” I saw the heads of giants coming off. And those things that look like they are impossible become possible. This is the year of possibilities for the people of Grace Center. “This is the year,” says the Lord “where I am giving you an advantage in the spirit because I have made you a people of praise, a people of purity, a people of prayer and a people of power. And because you did not rob me of my testimony,” says the Lord, “I am getting ready to launch you into deeper territory. For I am anointing you to not only possess but I’m anointing you to take over. Reinforcements are coming. They are coming from the north, the south, the east and the west. They are coming as I said from afar. Get ready for this house will host an international move of the Spirit where they will come from the nations for even the School of Supernatural ministry. They will come to be equipped and then to be launched. I am making this not only a training center but I have called this place to be a fortress for families. And I’ve called this to be a place of fortress,” says the Lord, “I am fortifying your walls. I am strengthening you in this season. This is a place of equipping. This is a place of empowerment. This is a place of encouragement. But this is also a place of engagement. Get ready says the Lord for a heaven is engaged over this place. Cast your bread upon the water and in many day it will come back to you. This is a season,” says the Lord, “to cast your nets for I’m going to begin to release to you the bounty of my harvest that I have promised. 2013 shall be a year of harvest unprecedented to any other year. There shall be great household salvations,” says the Lord, “where even where many of you have been standing even for twenty and fifteen and ten years waiting for those in your family to come unto me, this is the year where I’m turning their hearts.”

On the forefront says the Lord, “I am making myself irresistible upon you in this year. Get ready,” says the Lord, “I am removing the veil. I am launching you forward. Fear not for I am advancing you. I am not holding you back. The delay is over. The discouragement has departed. Be encouraged and of good cheer in this season. For I am opening up the double doors. I am stirring up the hearts of those who would bless you and I’m even turning those that were in opposition to you to operate in your favor and to show you my favor. Get ready,” says the Lord, “for it is time to go in, it is time to cross over for I am invading this dwelling place,” says the Spirit of the Lord... It’s a corporate word but it’s also a personal word. And I believe there is going to be an opening of our ears in this season. That what you hear corporately you start to apply personally. And what you hear personally can have corporate empowerment and corporate influence in the days that are ahead.

This is a season to listen. God is causing this to be a house that listens. He’s opening your ears. I believe that this is going to be a place that is captivated by Heaven like never before. It’s going to be a place of visitation. I believe you’re about to encounter God. This is going to be a place of encounters in new and unusual ways. You’re about to encounter the prophetic voice of God like never before. I believe that there is an army of prophetic voices, there is an army of roaring lions that’s getting ready to be released. I had a dream not too long ago, a couple weeks ago that the Lord was opening up cages and as the cages were being opened, these young lions were emerging. While they were in the cage, they had no roar, they had no fight, they had no desires but when the cage opened they began to come forth. They began to release the word of the Lord. I believe that the Nashville area, this metro area is filled with prophetic voices that have been quieted and shut down. They’ve been caged, they’ve been contained in religious systems. They’ve been contained and caged by different circumstances and things. But God is getting ready to open up the cages and you’re going to begin to hear a roar in the spirit. I believe you’re going to see the roaring lions come forth.

I believe this...that you’re about to encounter the power of God like never before. I believe that this is a place where God is calling Grace Center to be a birthplace for miracles. You’ve been commissioned to invade the impossible. In fact God is making you be passionate about the impossible. Most people see the impossible and they get discouraged and they feel like it’s a wall, but I feel like you’re going to get excited in the face of impossibilities. You’re not gonna run away from it, you’re going to run into it.

I would dare to say to you that this is a miracle year. From the beginning to the end, it’s a miracle year. You’re about to encounter God in the realm of provision. It’s not going to come from man, it’s going to come from God Himself. Because God is about to release what needs to be released to go where you need to go to build what you need to build, to train who you need to train and do what you need to do in this area.

I believe that this is going to be a year of angelic visitations upon your life and in this place like never before. There are angels of generosity that God is surrounding this place with. I believe that there are harvest reaping angels that are in this room to gather up everything you need to carry out the Word of the Lord.

I believe that this is a year of divine dreams and visions like never before. Some of you feel like your dreams have died but God is about to awaken the dream on the inside of you. Because every dream has its death before it has its day. Let that just soak in for a second. Some people mourn the doors that close and they never see the new ones that are opening. Some people are mourning the things that seem like they’re dead, not realizing the resurrection life’s on the inside of you. How many know Joseph’s dreams died before they had their day. And I believe the Lord is bringing many of you out of the dream drought. Some of you have been in a drought where you haven’t dreamed. Some of you have been afraid to dream. But God is about to awaken and resurrect the dreams on the inside of you. You’re about to encounter the works of God in action. You’re about to see His working flowing through you like never before. And this is going to be a year where you’re going to begin to see what Jesus said that greater works shall you do. You’re about to encounter the greater works of Jesus. I’m not just talking about at the altar, not just from the pulpit, I’m talking about in the workplace, in the school like never before.

2013 I believe that God is about to release revival in the schools of Nashville, in Davidson County and Williamson County and Wilson County. I believe the Lord is about to show up on behalf of our children. How many know that there has been a war raging against our young ones? Look what happened in Connecticut...The enemy knows that this is the generation that’s going to usher in the greatest move of God and most likely the return of the Lord. And I believe that the Lord is releasing us not into a season of  being on the defensive but he’s turning our shields and turning our swords, we’re about to go on the offensive. There’s an anointing, an offensive strategy and an offensive anointing, that the Lord is releasing upon you.

I keep hearing the word screamed out in the spirit “Counter attack”. This is a season to launch a counter attack against the enemy. How do you do it? Praise and worship drives him nuts. This is a season where God is positioning you not only regionally, not only in this city but I believe God has given you global positioning in the spirit. That God knows your location and God knows where you are but I believe you’re about to move, He’s about to give you direction and clarity to launch you into a new place, into a new phase in history.

I heard the Lord say that it’s time to learn how to encourage yourself. David encouraged himself in the Lord. Know how he did it? He began to remind himself of all of his victories. Some of you need to rehearse your victories. David didn’t just go and take Goliath out first, the Lord allowed him to practice with a lion, and then a bear so then when he saw the giant, he said ‘You’re just a giant’. What’d he do? In his mind, he began to rehearse his victory. Some of you, God’s about to activate your memory to the miracles of the past. You’re going to remember how God provided for you. How God protected for you. How God came through for you. How God healed you. All of those things. It is time to rehearse the victories and forget the pain of the past.

I believe that this is going to be a season where God is making GC an epicenter for hope and healing for the nations. Let it sink in because you’re a part of it this morning. He’s making you an epicenter of hope and healing for the nations. New attitudes will bring you to new altitudes. Some of you right now, you want to go higher but God wants to change the way you think. Your new attitude will take you to a new altitude. This is a house of eagles and not spiritual chickens. Chickens just peck on the ground, they never fly. They make a lot of noise, they flap their wings. But eagles are mountain dwellers. And I believe that God has called you, he’s calling you up, this is a year to ascend. Who will ascend the hill of the Lord? Those with pure hearts and clean hands. I believe it’s time where God is causing the gates to be lifted. Lift up your head all ye gates. God is opening up the gates. The King of Glory is about to enter into GC. He’s about to enter into Franklin like never before. Here’s what separates and causes eagles to stand out. Eagles are mountain dwellers. In times of storm, they don’t hunker down like other creatures. But they actually go above the storm and expand their territory where everyone else is just trying to hold onto what they have. Some of you right now in the midst of the political climate, economic climate, spiritual climate, all those things the Lord is saying this is not a time to hold on, this is a time to soar. This is not a time to stay in, this is not a time to go down, but it’s a time to soar. To go up higher than ever before.

I love how eagles are because they don’t fly, they soar. So in essence, it becomes effortless. There is an effortless anointing that God is about to release upon you. How many know the the anointing destroys the yoke? I don’t destroy the yoke but the anointing destroys the yoke. It’s effortless. Alls I have to do is show up. And I believe a prophetic word for you this year is alls you have to do is show up. It’s a season to spread your wings. There’s an updraft in the spirit that God is about to take you to a higher level. Eagles understand commitment. They mate for life They don’t just bounce around and all of those things. They are fully committed. And I believe this is a season for commitment like never before. ... Your father can fly faster than you can fall. And I’m saying that because some of you right now, God is trying to push you out of the nest. And like an eaglet you are fighting change. You don’t really want the comforts to be removed. But once those things are removed, you’re going to find out what you were really created to do. And some of you are so afraid of getting out of the nest because you are afraid of failure. But God is breaking the fear of failure off of His people. God would rather have you be an amateur in the new thing than a professional in an old thing. He would rather have you be an amateur in the new thing than a professional in the old thing that everybody’s doing.

This is a house that God has commissioned to pioneer some things in the spirit. Who can even say what it looks like? There is an anointing like Abraham had that God is calling GC to. Especially the leaders. What did God do? In the midst where everything is going good, looking good, it’s going right, everything is fine in Abraham’s life, God says ‘I want you to leave everything you know and I want you to go where you’ve never been before’. Abraham begins to ask all kinds of questions. How? What does it look like? Where is it? ‘You’ll know when you get there’. And I would declare this over you, that 2013 that the Lord is taking you to the place called “There”. You’re crossing over. What you thought was comfort, what you thought was normal, God is establishing in you, He’s breaking you out of the mold. You’re about to go into uncharted territory. I’ve got some good news and bad news for you. It’s not going to be comfortable. The new thing is never comfortable but it’s always worth it. And many of you now are about to possess what’s worth it. God is bringing you to a place of freedom and ease where you’re not trying but trusting. A place of maturity. God always works through order. And I believe the Lord is saying in this season to the body of Christ as a whole ‘Order first, then glory’.  God is establishing the order and the order of the glory to come and remain. I’m tired of visitations. I want a habitation of God. I don’t want to be a spiritual rest area. But I want to be a dwelling place for the Most High God. See God is not looking to just come and visit you on Sunday mornings. He wants to possess you ... I’m here to tell you that God doesn’t just want a Sunday morning visitation, He doesn’t want a Wednesday night visitation, He wants to possess you. See revival is not an event, it’s a lifestyle. There is a lifestyle that God is establishing for you to begin to live it out. God is a God of order. He could’ve created everything in one day with one word, but He chose to do it in six for our benefit. To show us that there’s a process to the promise. God is taking us through a process. 1 Corinthians 14:1 says “Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts”. Many times people want to desire spiritual gifts and maybe get a hold of the love part later. But I’m telling you right now that God is anointing this house to be lovers of God and lovers of people. And I believe if you get those two things, you will see Jesus be irresistible in this place. He’s doing everything decently and in order. God’s setting things, placing things in order because when we lose order, chaos ensues. Here’s what I think we pray amiss sometimes because we’re praying ‘God repair the heart. Heal the heart.’ But God is really saying we need to be praying this ‘God restore the order’. God wants to restore order in America. He wants to restore order in the church, His church. I believe that God is doing something new and amazing in our midst. The God of miracles is restoring the order. He’s restoring order to your body, your mind, and your spirit.

There are some of you in this room that God is releasing a “take back anointing” in this room. There are some of you trying to carry what does not belong to you. But if you will give what belongs to Him back to Him, He will give to you what is rightly yours. In this year you’re about to see a divine exchange. Peace instead of fear. I believe you’re about to see favor instead of fear. You’re about to see provision instead of lack. You’re about to see peace instead of constant turmoil on the inside of you. And I believe that God is about to take some things back in order to give to you what you really need. There is order that God is releasing in this season like never before to bring you into a place of breakthrough. I’m here to tell you that God is about to launch you where deep cries out to deep. There is a longing, there is a stirring, there is an awakening that God is releasing on the inside of you. I believe you’re about to catch the urgency of the spirit. There is an urgency that God wants to release deep on the inside of you concerning the time and the season. I believe a key prophetic word for this moment is this as I close this morning, in the book of Romans 13:11, it says this “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” I believe that this is a season to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and take everything else off. You need to know something. When you woke up this morning, that you were about to approach the day of salvation. I believe that you’re about to see the day of Jesus the Savior in Franklin TN and GC like never before.

I feel there’s a crying out in this place this morning, ‘Jesus, save me. As I’m going into 2013, Jesus save me’. Because of of you feel like that eaglet. Some of you feel like everything is out of control. But your father can fly faster than you can fall. There are some of you right now, the earth is crying out ‘Jesus save me’. God’s about to make this house a house of first responders. You are about to be equipped to go the distance. You’re about to be launched into a place like never before. I feel there is something significant about to happen in this room. I feel like over the next few days, and weeks and months the Lord is about to do something that is so supernatural and beyond your comprehension. This is going to be the year of above and beyond.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly above all you could ever ask, think or imagine by the power that works in us. To Him be all the glory and power and honor for now and forevermore. How many know that sounds familiar? It’s in the Bible. You know what that really means? It means you pray your biggest prayer and God’s beyond that. You think your biggest thought and God’s beyond that. You dream your biggest dream and have your biggest imagination and God is beyond that. I feel like the Lord is rolling out a welcome mat saying welcome to the beyond. This is a year that God is filling with expectation to go beyond your past, to go beyond the pain, to go beyond where you’ve ever been or even dreamed that you could be. There is a stirring right now that God is shaking things up. He’s about to remove the cork, remove the cap. And there’s about to be an explosion of his power, of His mind, of His Word, of His provision like never before. I’m here to tell you that God is ready and able to do everything that He said He would do. I believe that this is the year to watch Him do what He said that He would do. Some of you came out of the hardest season of your life. You’re crossing over not only into a new day but into a new era. This is a new era for the church. If the Lord should tarry, I believe that many people are going to read in church history books what’s about to happen in Grace Center. I’m going to retire this message when I leave...This is a word that is designed for this house. It’s designed for you.

Some of you right now are about to come out of turmoil and go to triumph. Some of you right now, I believe that God is taking you out of this season of darkness. Some of you have been in a dark season of the soul but God is about to cause the light of day to shine upon you. It is a new era filled with hope, filled with glory, filled with life, filled with light. Right now God wants to fill this room with anticipation and expectation. Some of you need to do a funeral for 2012 right now. Just let it die. What you didn’t get done, let it go. What you couldn’t change, let it go. This is not a year to carry in what if’s and what only’s. It’s a year to go into ‘God You said’. Here’s crowning the year of 2013 with glory, with honor, with His goodness. I feel an excitement in the atmosphere right now. I believe you’re about to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. You’re about to see His goodness. When I walked in this place this morning and I felt the goodness of God. He’s in your midst. He’s about to bring you out of long suffering into a place of righteousness fulfilled. A place of His word fulfilled like never before. How many people are ready for that?

...Listen I’m not only here to tell you He’s here to save souls, He’s able to save circumstance, situation, jobs, resources, family, all of those things. If something leaped on the inside of you, I want you to stand on your feet because I believe that Jesus the Savior is about to come in this house like never before. This is going to be a year of salvation... So many of us try. We limped out of this last year. It’s not a time to lick our wounds and focus on what didn’t happen. I believe that this is a season where God is removing all of the hope deferred stuff. I believe He’s releasing something in us in this place right now. It’s Christ in us, the hope of glory. Chris in us, the hope of glory.

This word came to me from a young lady from Australia. I think it fits right here. She gave me permission to share it ... “Joy joy joy. 2013 will be year of many long awaited dreams fulfilled. Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a longing fulfilled is the tree of life. 2013 is going to be a longing fulfilled. I see many great men and women of God that have been in hospital beds in the spirit with sick hearts. But a general is now walking and yelling ‘It’s time to get up!’ Therefore say to them thus says the Lord God ‘None of my words will be delayed any longer but the word that I speak will be performed’, declares the Lord. ‘The earth will come to life in a new way as people start stepping into their exact purpose and call. 2013 is a year of jubilee. No more shackles, no more shame. I hear a bell in the spirit being rung. It is the bell of celebration but also declaration as people become like a tree of life. It will shift many atmospheres to such and extent that we will see neighborhood and large community salvation. It is also the year of double portion, double doors, and double time. I believe we will see a rise in twins being born in the houses of God as a prophetic sign. There will be a greater call to radical obedience but the restored land of many hearts will make it so beautifully easy to say yes Lord. ‘A new love and a new era begins’, says the Spirit of the Lord.

I believe right now that God sent a word from thousands of miles away for this moment and this time because I believe that God is about to establish something in GC. He’s about to establish something in your life. I believe right now that this is your moment. That this is a moment of salvation. It’s a moment of breakthrough. I believe it’s time to focus our faith. Let me give you a profound prophetic word; focus, focus, focus. Focus your faith, focus your energy, focus on what’s major, what’s important to God in your life right now. God has many of you in a stirring stage. Refuse to be normal, refuse to be status quo, refuse to hold back, refuse to let yesterday determine your tomorrow. Right now in this place, I declare breakthrough over the people of God. I declare that this is a year of creative miracles. I declare that this is a season of positioning in the spirit where God is platforming anointings.

I speak life and life more abundantly in the house. I speak life and life more abundantly in this house. What the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, I declare that this is the year of seven times back. Seven times harvest. Seven times the souls. Seven times the resources. Seven times the people. Lord you’re mighty to save. Right now in this place  there’s a deep work in this place. God is assembling things together. I’m telling you right now, this is a month to seek Him. No more holding patterns. Some of you have been in a holding pattern. God’s clearing the runway. God’s bringing the promises in for the landing right now. Father in the name of Jesus I release salvation, streams of salvation in this place right now. Lord I declare atmospheric shifts in the next 72 hours. Come on, I’m telling you right now. This is a week of miracles in the house. Things that have been held back are being released. Right now in Jesus name.