Prophecy from David Campbell

David Campbell 2/26/17

I believe the Lord is saying this to you- “This is the season that He’s brought you and prepared you for. This is not a new time for you, but it is the old time which has come to life. I’m not asking you to throw away the old, I’m asking you to bring out the old again, look at it again in a new way. For this is not a new revelation but a new understanding of that which I have placed within your heart. I have placed in your spirit things which,” the Lord says, “I have stirred within you. For I’m not asking you to dispense of the old, but to dispense the old. I am asking you to bring it out and to give it to others, for the life I have placed within you is the life which will change that culture around you. For My hand has not been shortened by the events that have happened in the land, but rather My hand has been extended now that I might reach out through you to the generation which you serve.”

“This is the day,” says the Lord, “where I will change before your very eyes things that you thought were unchangeable. I will recover the things that you thought were lost forever. I will cause again for My church to stand in purity and honesty and in power. For these are the days where My power will be seen amongst My people. For these are the days where you will behold the glory of the Lord, even through you for you have decided you are the least worthy of all My servants.”  And says the Lord, “I will take you up and I will use you for I have no unworthy servants. For I have made you to be worthy in the very likeness and image of My own Son. I have changed you from those who had no destiny and no worth to be those who are destined to be with Me. And I’ve given you the worth of My Son that you will always stand up full of integrity, full of love and from you will overflow the love that will change the culture and the land which I have called you to.” Amen.