Prophecy from Kayle Mumby

Kayle Mumby 05/21/2017 1st Service

The Scripture that I felt for you this morning was Galatians 6:9, which is a good one. You can turn there if you want or you can just write it down cause it’s not a very long one. And you’ve all heard it a million times before. But in Galatians 6:9 it says “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” 

So I just feel that so heavily for you guys. You know, let us not grow weary in doing good. Let us not grow weary in doing good. For in due time we will reap…oh I’m saying this wrong. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. And I feel like for you guys, I was just feeling in the Spirit that the due time is coming up for you. I feel like there’s going to be a remarkable harvest that comes for Grace Center. And I feel like in some ways, I don’t know if its true, but I feel like in some ways there’s been a lot of effort, a lot of do we keep doing this, a lot of plowing the ground, a lot of Oh this is getting tiring, Oh is the promise ever going to come. And I don’t know if that’s true. I’m just tossing that out for you but I feel like I need to announce to you the promise is coming. And it’s coming quickly. 

How I want to share this with you is just some stories from my life. I feel like when a prophetic guy comes in and they start throwing all these crazy stories like I was doing this weekend, sometimes it can be a little intimidating or it can be a little disheartening I find for a local church. Like what the heck are we supposed to do with all of this, you know? Great that you have all these crazy stories. Great that you’re prophesying in government leaders and all of that, and then we sit back and we come back to the routine which is not a bad thing, the routine of local church. But there’s nothing wrong with that. And I just wanted to encourage you guys - Do not grow weary in doing good. 

And the other Scripture that I wanted to give to you guys on top of this is the Parable of the Talents…I love the Parable of the Talents and it’s talking about the picture of Jesus giving His gifts essentially. Jesus giving us abilities. You guys know the Parable of the Talents right? I want to make sure.

For that one it’s…some people got 5 talents, some people got 3, some people got 2 or 1, whatever the deal is. And what I wanted to encourage you guys with is it doesn’t matter how big your talent is, what matters is what are you going to do with it. Cause I love in the Parable of the Talents it says that the master, he only gave away according to each person’s ability. And I feel like a lot of times in church, especially after conferences and stuff like that, sometimes you’ll see somebody come in who has a “5 talent gifting” and we go back and say I’ve only got one. What am I supposed to do with this? And it doesn’t matter if you have 5 or 3 or 1. It does not matter. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. God gives according to your ability. And if your ability is to operate out of a one talent gifting that’s amazing because there’s this other Scripture we can add on top of that is Those who are faithful with the little will be given more. We all got to start somewhere. And if you start trying to dive into Okay I have the ability for a one talent gifting and you dive into a 5 talent gifting you’ll be over your head way too far. And that’s when we get discouraged. That’s when we get the heart sick stuff. That’s when we get all confused.

And I just felt like for this local church context I just want to encourage you guys - Do not grow weary in doing good. According to the skill that is in front of you. According to whatever the Lord has given you. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Do not compare. Don’t compare with anybody else. Don’t compare with me. Don’t compare with whatever. See what the Lord has given you and do your best. Just do your best. This make sense? Do your best.